Physically Healthy with Yoga Asana
Practicing Yoga Asana means practicing yoga posture. Inside, we learn to properly control our body, breath, and mind. Therefore, we can use yoga asana to maintain our physical health. As aligned as The Five Points Of Yoga explained.
In our daily routine sometimes we tend to over-exercise or under-exercise. These make our posture out of balance. It increases our physical health risks in many ways. Our bad habit of doing physical activities incorrectly can also lead to aches, pains, and muscle cramps. Therefore we need to balance it to be healthy.
Yoga Asana helps to balance and bring consciousness to any type of person. People who are currently over-exercising (running, walking, gym, cycling, surfing, etc.) or the ones who need to get active. Likewise, people who have a balanced lifestyle yet currently have body aches and pains in body parts. All can get the benefit from the practice.
When we practice Yoga Asana (posture) we do some movements. We master techniques to do some postures in a class. Proper technique is important to build body awareness that can protect us from injury. We learn how to use our bodies in the correct way to free ourselves from pain.
In 75 minutes of practicing yoga asana, we activate our body by doing the yoga posture in a flow linking breath and movement. We are exploring different body positions that can balance our imbalanced (overactive /underactive) muscles. Creating good posture habits in the class can bring us the same manner to maintain good posture in our daily routine. A simple yoga class can change our life into bliss!
If you are ready to invest, find us at Ashtari Yoga. Our professional yoga instructors are ready to be your transformational guide. To bring you to a healthier and happier version of yourself!
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