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Bakasana & How To Master It

Why do we practice bakasana and how we master it?

Practicing various strength poses is fun yet challenging. This complexity will make you stronger and agile. It also creates mental strength and builds your self-confidence. One of the many strengths poses in yoga is bakasana.

Bakasana is the Sanskrit word of crow pose. It’s a great arm balance for beginners. This is the starting point for progressing into more advanced arm-balance poses. Basically you will put whole your body weight on your hands and you need to balance it for some breath.

In this posture, the upper arms are bent, the knees are rested on the upper arms, and the body is lifted from the ground. This posture will strengthen our core and wrist, improves balance, and tone arms.

Lets approaching crow poses with playfulness and safe. Here’s how to perform bakasana, guided by Krina Dewi from Bali, the experienced yoga teacher at Ashtari Yoga Retreat Kuta Lombok.

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